Pig and Poultry Farming

We’re excited to announce that Kersia has achieved efficacy tests against two endoparasites, Eimeria tenella and Ascari suum, with our product FUMAGRI EFFISAFE.


FUMAGRI EFFISAFE underwent rigorous testing in accordance to adapted DVG test method against

  • Eimeria tenella oocysts associated with Coccidiosis
  • Ascari suum eggs under the specified conditions below.


A broad spectrum of activity disinfectant for use at livestock premises, equipment, foot bath, animal transport trucks and wheel disinfection.

  • Neutral solution at 1% dilution and kind to many surfaces
  • Bactericidal, yeasticidal, fungicidal, mycobactericidal and virucidal disinfectant for livestock premises, animal breeding equipment and materials in farms.
  • Bactericidal, yeasticidaland virucidal disinfectant for animal transport vehicles, including wheels, boots in bootbath
  • According to DVG standards, anti-coccidia (Eimeria tenella) and efficient against Ascari suum (large roundworm)

👉 REMEMBER: Always follow a Strict Hygiene Protocol:

When there does exist a special challenge such as Coccidiosis or Cryptosporidiosis caused by oocysts, or an infestation of ascari suumit it is recommended to follow a strict hygiene guideline:


  • CLEANING: Thoroughly clean the shed and equipment with a strong alkaline detergent such as ULTRAFOAM, ECOFOAM ADVANCED, ECOFOAM PLUS, AGACREAM etc.


    • Disinfect the sheds – ground walls and ceiling – with a standard broad-spectrum disinfectant such as HYRED FORCE 7, VIROSHIELD, AGACID FORTE, VIREX or FUMAGRI EFFISAFE
    • Apply a second round of disinfection on the ground floor & appr. 1m up the walls with a special and targeted disinfectant such as AGAKOK 2.5 or FUMAGRI EFFISAFE, both of which are Chlorocresol based disinfectants tested and approved against oocysts and Ascari suum.


  • PROTECTION: Follow stringent protection measures, such as foot dip, hand wash & disinfection, continuous water treatment etc. to avoid secondary infections through entrance of other pathogens to your shed.


For further information contact your local representative or write an e-mail to [email protected]